Wishing a Beautiful November to All. We want to take a moment to Thank EveryOne for Being Here. We know there is much happening on a collective level and also within as individuals. This can leave us feeling the call even more to welcome the inwardly energies of November, as we make our way to winter. Thank You for Being Here and Being You. Thank You for Connecting and CoCreating with us. Thank You for Activating Your Inner Light, and sharing it with this world. ☀️
Thank You to EveryOne who helped to support our efforts in donating to Hurricane Relief efforts for North Carolina and Florida through GreaterGood.org
This story brings Love, Hope and Joy in times of crisis, reminding us of our Healing Power when we come together to Amplify The Good. Much Love & Gratitude to this wonderful human, Southwest Airlines, and supporting nonprofit organization Greater Good Charities for your amazing efforts in aiding the people, pets, and animals impacted by Hurricane Helene, Milton, and other events of impact.
We can learn more about the inspiring efforts of Greater Good Charities or Donate directly to this wonderful organization, by visiting their website,
It is inspiring to see so many people coming together to support one another.
Yet, when we take a moment to be present and check in with Self and community, we may notice there is still much healing to be done.
The energies of November are providing an opportunity for us to Sink in, and ask ourselves .... "Am I honoring the call to Healing and Balance within Myself first and foremost, to help Cultivate and Nourish my own Inner Light?"
If your answer is yes... Beautiful! <3 Sit with that a moment and Thank Yourself for the Light you bring to yourself and to this world ️☀️
There are infinite number of ways we can Be a Light for Self or someone else in time of need.
First, it's important for us To Learn to Be a Light for Our Self ☀️
What are some ways to help us Activate Our own Inner Light?
By Breathing with Intention, you Activate Your own Inner Light.
You're welcome to utilize this Pillar of Light Breathwork Meditation anytime ☀️
"We welcome the Light Love and Warmth of the Sun into our minds, bodies, and spirits.
We imagine this Light as a pillar shining brightly above our crown, then pouring down, enlightening every cell, every thought, & every emotion.
Imagine this Light filling your heart with a warm glow spiraling through every part of your body, Cleansing, Clearing, Healing.
This Light spirals from within us... expanding out into our Aura, our energy field... Purifying our Mind, Body, Spirit and Sacred Space.
Allowing this Light to connect you to the Light bodies of others...Nourishing and Sharing this Light with all life around you. ✨️
Breathing in 1...2...3...4...5....
Breathing out 1...2...3...4...5....
Pause for peace, 1...2...3...4...5...
and Union with self, Sun, Source, and with all Life.
Breathe the Light... ✨️
Feel free to repeat the Pillar of Light Meditation as many times as you feel called to help bring your Mind Body Spirit back to Balance" ☀️
Link to Full Video with Guided Meditation: https://youtu.be/eYc9NnbfHMU?si=ocpV2OhrTWgeElNp
Ground and Connect to Nature
Nature, Unified Mother Earth and Father Sun, is our original Source of Light and Life. Connecting with Nature helps us to Activate and Anchor our Light. When we Activate our Light, we are often called to Balance and Integrate this Light into our Body utilizing grounding techniques. Common Grounding Techniques include Connecting with Nature, Working or Creating with grounding Elements like rocks and gemstones such as Shungite, Tourmaline, Pyrite, Red Jasper, & Carnelian, Breathwork & Meditation (such as Pillar of Light Meditation mentioned above) Visualization (such as imagining that you are a tree, receiving Light from the Sun, and transferring this Light out into your leaves, and down into your roots, where it connects you with All Life) Grounding practices are very helpful for integration, however, they also help prepare us to Activate and Embody even more of our Light ✨️
Take a break from social media, internet or digital sources of information or entertainment
Most of the time, when we engage in social media or digital entertainment in some form, we are receiving artificial energy as well as harmful EMF from the wifi. There are tools we can utilize to alleviate the harmful affects, such as Orgone, AntiRadiation Stickers & Devices (use coupon OMOFFERINGS for 15% off on EMF Harmony products anytime) SafeSleeves, and Grounding Mats... and you may find it is possible to connect with Nature's/Source essence/Soul Guidance and Natural flow of energy through technology, or through other people on digital platforms, however this task asks for our upmost discernment. The algorithmic push on platforms such as IG and FB tends to dampen our Light, due in great part to an inorganic algorithm which wastes our precious energy.
Take a moment to remind oneself of all the Little things you are Grateful for, all forms of Love & Blessings, all the positive things you do for oneself and others.
Appreciate the Sun
Even if just for a moment while the Sun shines in through the window... allowing the Light to gently, Sacred Geometrically Spiral into your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Sacred Space... can be a simple yet super effective way to not only initiate Vitamin D synthesis in your body, an essential for Immune System function and Hormone Balance, but also Cleanse and Clear all thoughts, emotions, and energies that no longer serve your Highest Good, helping you Activate Your Inner Light ☀️
Drink Water & Take a Rejuvenating Shower/bath
Water that is Pure, Clean, Mineralized, Ion-Charged, and Bioactive nourishes, revitalizes, and detoxifies our Mind, Body, & Spirit. We can purify and rejuvenate our water from the sink, shower, and bath, with filters like AquaBliss , The Imploder or we can place our water and water sources in the proximity of BioActive Materials & Beneficial Ion Generators such as Crystals, Orgone, Tensor Rings, Tensor Field Generators (like this one below by Aran @Aetheric_Arts)
... or we can wear Orgonite or Wire-Wrapped Copper Crystal Jewelry such as those by Aran as seen on IG, YT, Telegram & ETSY
Adding Himalayan or Sea Salt to our baths is another way we can boost the Ionic Capacity and Cleansing Potential of our Water, bringing Health and Vitality to our Living Waters Within and Without through Liquid Love and Light.
7. Prepare a healthy meal.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are Living Light and Nourishment with vitamins and minerals essential to our health. Nuts such as Walnuts and Almonds help to provide Healthy Fats, while farm fresh humanely-raised eggs are a great source of Protein and Amino Acids, as are Hemp Hearts, Quinoa, Tofu, & Chia Seeds. Organic Cultured Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese may help to provide Enzymes & Probiotics, important forms of Living Light in the body which serve as our first line of defense against disease and pathogens,
boosting our immunity, auric field and energy.
Meditate or Create a Crystal Grid for Healing or Focusing and Empowering your Intentions
Placing rocks, crystals, and/or gemstones in the shape of symmetrical grid can help to energize and empower you, your stones and surroundings with a specific intention. Crystal Grids make great healing, divination, and manifestation tools, but they are also practical on a larger scale -- for use in healing the land, balancing the elements, enhancing food crop production, promoting bioactivity in the environment, all while utilizing the Earth’s own empowering Life Force Energy. The science behind Crystal Grids and Sacred Stone Circles, is the physics of electromagnetism. The electromagnetic pull of these elements to form certain shapes, provides a harmonic foundational framework for energy to pass through and become amplified.
Create a Sacred Space
We can Create a Sacred Space by cleaning, organizing or redecorating with Feng Shui - in a way that enhances the chi or flow of energy, as well as bringing in more elements of Nature such as Plants or Crystals. Crystals are gifts of Beauty, Love, & Light of Nature, precious reminders of the Beauty, Love and Light within each and EveryOne of Us <3 We offer a DIY Guide complete with In-depth instructions for aligning our Sacred Space to the Geometry of Nature.
Play an Instrument you enjoy or Listen to music that makes you feel good, such as 432hz Nature-aligned frequencies, Solfeggio tones, or Grounding Tribal House Beats and sounds, such as those curated by DJ Iconic Sounds (DJ, Artist & CoFounder of OpaLight Market)
Move Your Body ~ Dance, Do Qi Gong, Yoga, Stretch, Go for a Walk, Hike, or Exercise
These activities are wonderful for activating the natural flow of energy, circulation, and blood flow in our body, which naturally enhances our Health and Vitality.
To be a Light for Yourself, Immerse Yourself in something you Love, something that brings you joy <3
Or simply recognize the essence of Light that needs no Thing...
the essence of Light that simply is.
The essence of Light and Love that Lives and Breathes as You.
Know that Your Are Light, You Are Love, and You Are Whole Just The Way You Are <3
From a place of Wholeness, you may be called to be a Light for others, to use your flame to ignite a Spark for someone whose fuel is burning low and could use a little friendly glow...
Whether that be through sharing something as simple as a smile, a kind word or compliment with a friend or stranger, a donation to someone in need, checking in on a Loved one, supporting an artist or small business, or offering a gift of healing through a service or creation that is aligned to your Highest Joy and Prosperity.
A Sense of Wholeness and Integrity can be found through Balancing our Inner Light ~ our Creative Gifts & Potential, with our 'Dark' or 'Shadow' ~ our unknown or misunderstood aspects of Self or others, of Masculine (outer or electric) and Feminine (inward or magnetic) aspects, of Giving and Receiving.
Together, we Heal, Rebuild, and find our Balance, Wholeness, and Integrity.
As a way to fuel efforts for ourselves and others towards Healing, Rebuilding, and finding Balance, Wholeness and Integrity, we're offering Two Big sales this month,
In honor of our Veterans who have served to defend and protect our country,
~ November 7th - 11th ~
50% OFF all Crystal points, towers, geodes, spheres, meditation tools,
such as Candles & Incense, as well as Herbal Remedies
Our next sale this November is in honor of ThanksGiving & Native American Heritage Day,
~ November 26th-30th ~
20% OFF All Tumbled Stones, Gemstone Sands, & powders
“Eloheh” (pronounced Ay-luh-hay) is a Cherokee Indian word meaning harmony, wholeness, abundance and peace.
If you feel aligned at this time to connect with Nature's elements to help you Activate and Embody more of your own Inner Light this November, ️we invite you to join us,
and we Thank You for supporting us in our mission to help bring the
Love, Beauty, and Balance of Nature to the Lives and homes of others. <3
Much Love, Light, & Crystalline Blessings,
Jillian & Jaime
OpaLight Market
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