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Atlantis: A Golden Age Awakening

Writer's picture: Jillian MondrowJillian Mondrow


Atlantis, a mysteriously Advanced civilization from our distant past, known for its Impressive works of Art, Architecture, Science, and Spirituality, is often described as a myth...

Over time, in the Collective Heart & Soul...

The ‘story’ of Atlantis has become more than just a myth...

To a diverse community of dedicated researchers and intuitive individuals who hold the capacity to connect to their Ancestors, whether through archeological study or through connecting with the Ancestral Song Lines or Memory....

Atlantis is Alive and Awakening...


From the many Pyramids and Temple Ruins found across the world, all built with a unique yet similar structure of Sacred Geometry...


To the winding Roads, Waterways, Canals, sprawling Garden Pathways, Pillars, and Arches reaching high into the Ether...


Atlantis left remnants today in many cultures on Earth as well as in the hearts of the people...


BeLoved Philosopher Plato was the first of us to document Atlantis through modern language and literature in his writings Timaeus and Critias around 360 BC...


Plato received the story of Atlantis through his mother's family. Plato (427–347 B.C.) was related to Solon, an Athenian poet and socioeconomic reformer who was appointed chief magistrate of Athens in 594 B.C. When visiting Egypt, Solon received the tale of Atlantis from a priest of Neith (the Egyptian version of the Greek goddess Athena), and it was passed down via Plato's family (Tschoegl, 2005)


 According to many modern historians, Atlantis is a myth...described by them as a legend leveraged for political gain...


What if it was actually political gain to withhold or keep us disconnected from the Truth of our History as well as our God Given Right to Divine Abundance on Earth?


When we are quick to label, distort, or completely remove certain ideas or events from history, do we not prevent us from Exploring the Truth, or from Connecting with the history, the wisdom of our ancestors?


If we are unable to connect with the wisdom of our ancestors, can we ever truly, authentically, holistically, (as in with integrity) move forward as a society?


If we are not taught our real history or guided to discover for ourselves, the Truth of Who We Are... how do we reach our True Potential as people and as a community?


What does your heart tell you?


Those of us who seek to control our perception of history, who seek power over others, are often led by a false belief, a foundational fear of limited resources...


What these individuals lack... is faith... faith in themselves, in their greater community, and Earth’s ability to provide Infinite Divine Abundance...


Perception through a wider lense... allows us to Innerstand that if we simply changed our

perspective and relationship with the Earth and the elements...


We could CoCreate A New Atlantis...


A New Golden Age of Abundance on Earth <3

In this blog, I share with you perspectives and ideas of Atlantis, which I have come to through Listening to my own Heart and Soul, and through conducting my own research, to help inspire and guide us into this New Golden Age.


The collection of photos of Atlantis in this blog, consists of many photos that have been created and edited by me with the help of digital design & intelligence. I utilize digital intelligence to help bring forth that which holds resonance within my own Heart, Soul & Imagination.

I invite you to please receive what resonates with you, and leave the rest <3


Such times known as a Golden Age were achieved in a Beautiful diverse planetary-wide civilization known as Atlantis, which likely thrived here on Earth between 20,000 and 10,000 years ago, birthed from our BeLoved Mother Land of Lemuria or Mu...


The Atlanteans, descendants of the Ancient Lemurians, are remembered as spiritual beings

who learned to develop technologies that rival or exceed ours today.


Atlantis was founded on the concept of Trade of Wisdom & Culture between Many Diverse Cultures and Races. Perhaps this is why Atlantis holds a space in the Hearts and Souls of many today.


Atlantis is in our DNA. Those of us who feel a connection, whether we had ancestors from this BeLoved Place in Space and Time, or whether we remember our own Soul's 'Past Life' in Atlantis... are United by a Curiosity to ReDiscover Respect for Diverse Races and Cultures, Appreciation for Beauty in Art & Science, and many other inspiring aspects which are synchronistic to the Divine Abundance of a Golden Age...


I invite you to Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy this collection of Art ~ an Awakening Dream through the Sacred Lands & Soul of Atlantis <3

Link to YT Video with full collection of Atlantean Art titled

“Atlantis: A Golden Age Awakening” / Stay Tuned for "Atlantis Trance 432hz"

Along this journey of remembrance of the story of Atlantis, we may also eventually become aware of the "Fall of Atlantis" or what is commonly known as the sinking of the islands of Atlantis beneath the Atlantic Ocean...


What may have led to this destruction?


It would seem, studying the stories and warnings of our ancestors, that our disharmony within Self, with others, and with Nature, may have created a foundation for the "fall" or the devolution of this once Golden Age.


Geological and anthropological evidence points to the potential involvement of certain types of advanced technologies which may have been utilized with malpractice, either on accident, or out of greed/ego/Service to Self/Lack of Respect for Nature's Balance... technologies which seem to have drastically harmed the vitality of the Crystalline Grid of the Earth.


Some Atlanteans and Atlantean artifacts found safety within the Earth, and others across the Sea, dispersing of the knowledge of Atlantis throughout many lands across the Earth... including The Mayas (North, Central, South America, & Brazil), Australia, Europe, The Mediterranean, The Ancient Lands of Chem known as Egypt & Sudan in Africa today...India, Nordic Regions, and many others.



In 1938, world-renown psychic and spiritual guide, Edgar Cayce, predicted that Atlantis, or part of the temples would rise from under water near Bimini around the year 1968 or 69. According to Cayce, this continent is believed to have been present when sea levels were at least 300 feet lower than they are today...originally spanning from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Gibraltar. Cayce referred to Bimini as being one of these mountaintops of Atlantis.


The Bimini Road was discovered in 1968, much to Cayce's predictions, while a pilot was flying over the area and saw a rock formation in the shape of a backward J. The Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation, resembling a fallen wall, road, or similar structure, many believe to be a part of the lost continent of Atlantis.


Most of Edgar Cayce's life readings for his clients were assigned to past lives from 'twelve' main periods including Atlantis and ancient Egypt at the time of "Ra Ta."

 Love & Gratitude to Edgar Cayce world renown psychic, healer, & spiritual guide (1877-1945)


Top of Crystal Pyramid discovered in the Atlantic Ocean, roughly 300 hundred miles off the coast of Miami, Florida. Photo from actual footage from Dr Ray Brown’s scuba dive in 1968 featured “In Search of - The Bimini Wall ” - Leonard Nimoy S4e22



Many people have discussed the existence of an energy vortex that lies just off the coast of Bimini. For those who may be familiar with the earth's natural energy grid, then you may know one of the major vortices lies just off the coast of Bimini and Florida.


Bimini is located on the edge of the ‘Bermuda Triangle,’ an area that spans from Bermuda to Puerto Rico, to Florida... with Bimini right at the edge of it. The Bermuda Triangle is known for mysterious occurrences happening in the area, from plane disappearances to time- travel.

The possibilities are endless, and the likelihood of the connections to Atlantis become ever

more real as we uncover our lost history and wisdom of our ancient ancestors…



Studying the Pyramids on Earth, one will discover nearly ALL Pyramids are aligned to the Earth’s natural electromagnetic network or grid commonly referred to as Ley Lines, Dragon Lines, Ancestral Song Lines, or Crystalline Grid of the Earth.


Is it possible this Pyramid discovered off the coast of Florida/Bimini is no different?


Is it possible this planetary grid of pyramids was once part of Atlantis?


Here is an image that may fit into this description, showing the sacred geometrical electromagnetic field that inhabits our world.


We discuss a fascinating artifact believed to hold connections to Atlantis that was discovered within the Crystal Pyramid off the coast of Bimini in 1968 by Dr. Ray Brown in the next section of this blog...

Here are some locations on Earth we believe hold connections to Atlantis...


Much Love & Gratitude to Dr Sam Osmanagich, expert on pyramids

who has researched the sites of pyramids all over the world...

So far, he and his team have found eleven artificial structures in Bosnia, including the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, the Bosnian Pyramid of Love, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, the Temple of Mother Earth, the Sixth Pyramid, the Vratnica, Dolovi, and Ginje Tumuli, the Healing KTK Tunnels, and the Underground Labyrinth "Ravne" which consists of six discovered entrances to the healing tunnels filled with Beneficial BioActive ions, known to catalyze health and vitality. The geopolymer stones of the tunnels have been carbon dated by his team to be over 30,000 years old.

Photo of Dr Sam Osmanagich taken in July 2008 in front of the outside walls on the Northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun made of megalithic concrete conglomerate blocks.

We can Volunteer to Live, Learn, Heal, and Discover the ancient healing techniques of our ancestors in the BioActive tunnels of the Pyramid of the Sun with Dr. Osmanagich and his team!

For more info visit this link:

Big Ups to Explorer & Researcher Paul Cook - check out his videos on Malta -


Below, we have a photo of me in Salamanca, Spain taken in June 2013. I am Grateful for the opportunity to have studied abroad there for a semester <3 Much Love & Gratitude to All who helped make this trip happen - my family, host family, fellow students & teachers of NAU & STA Salamanca <3




In these lands, there are precious remnants of this Beautiful Civilization...

Remnants which exist today as inspiration... for those of us who wish to preserve the Beauty for the Arts and Sciences, the Appreciation for Diversity in Race in Culture, as well as the CoCreation in Harmony with Nature and the wisdom of our ancestors, so that we can create Health and Harmony for ourselves and for All Life.

Shiva Lingams

Ancient Shiva Lingams, found in Sacred Temples of India & Asia, such as Angkor Wat, are known for being symbols and tools for Healing, Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy as well as Generating energy & possibly even electricity. Gratitude to Praveen Mohan and his amazing research into the ancient sites and science of our ancestors.

For more info about the Shiva Lingam, you're welcome to read or read or watch my previous blog/video titled “Awakening A Lost Age of Advanced Healing Technology.”

 The Ankh

The Egyptian Ankh was cherished as a symbol of Eternal Life, and was also utilized as an ancient crystal healing technology for purposes such as Faster Healing, Vitality, Manifestation, and Balancing of Masculine and Feminine energy.


Dendera Light

The Dendera hieroglyphs are dated to over 4,000 years old at Hathor Temple in Abusir, Egypt. [About the snake inside the Dendera Light Bulb] "The field surrounding Ra's snake form is referred to in ancient Egyptian literature as “protective magical energy in liquid form that all gods and pharaohs possess” (Faulkner 1970)


The 'Djed Pillars'

The 'Djed Pillars' can be found depicted at the Temple of Abydos in Egypt.

Djed Pillars (similar to the Jedi from Star Wars, may have even inspired George Lucas ideas on The Jedi and their use of ‘The Force’)

Djed pillars were an ancient Crystal technology used for communicating with Beings in other Realms (such as their ancestors and galactic guides), as well as generating plasma which could potentially increase Health and Vitality, as well as generate Light and electricity. The original ‘Djed Pillars’ are explained in further detail by Thoth the Atlantean in The Emerald Tablets.

Djed Pillars depicted in the Heiroglyphs in the Temples of Egypt

 For more info about the Ancient Healing tech of our ancestors, you're welcome to read or watch “Awakening A Lost Age of Advanced Healing Technology” - previous blog/video on my YT ch JillianRachel432


The Emerald Tablets are a series of historical glyphs carefully carved onto genuine Emerald Crystal, discovered within the chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza [ The Emerald Tablets: A Compendium by Billy Carson 


“The history of the tablets translated is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists.”

“Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the sinking of the mother country.”


“Thoth was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. In it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also secretly secured records and instruments of ancient Atlantis....”


Green Stone of Hattusha - a UNESCO World Heritage site in Hattusha, the capital of the Hittite Empire in Turkey's Black Sea province of Çorum, dated to 2000-1001 B.C. The stone is Likely made of Nephrite Jade touted as a ‘magical stone capable of healing and granting wishes’...


This Crystal Sphere was discovered in 1968 by Dr Ray Brown while scuba diving ruins roughly 300 miles off the coast of Miami Florida. According to Dr Ray himself in an interview on “In Search of - The Bimini Wall” S4E22 hosted by Leonard Nimoy, he found the Crystal Sphere within a Pyramid, being held between a pair of two bronze hands ontop of a pillar, seemingly burnt from electrical output.


The Crystal Sphere, discovered in 1968 by Dr. Ray Brown, had a metallic pyramid inside, and was shown to display a unique electromagnetic field. For example, it would repel certain metals and materials.  Marcel Vogel, leading researcher at IBM at the time, who dedicated his life’s work to studying crystal technology, confirmed the crystal’s powerful energetic affects.

Above is an Actual Photo of the Crystal Sphere from S4E22 “In Search Of - The Bimini Wall”

hosted by Leonard Nimoy with Dr. Ray Brown. Catch a Clip of this episode in



...  If we take a moment to quiet our thoughts enough to listen to the Earth and our ancestors.... can you hear them share their messages of wisdom? Can You Feel their Love?

I invite you to listen for yourself, may you receive your own intuited answer to help guide you and others on your journey.

If you are curious to know what I hear our ancestors saying to us now,

I am honored to share the message that I am receiving:

"We welcome you on a journey of Awakening Consciousness through a New Golden Age of Abundance on Earth...

Along this journey, we invite you to join us in an ever-expanding capacity for Love, Unity, Respect, and Holding Space for Life, as well as the change, growth, and adaptation which Life calls forth, embodying the lessons and wisdom of your ancestors, so that you may help us share them with the People of today, so together we may carry them into the future for the Benefit of All Life on Earth and Beyond....

Are You Ready to Open yourself to reach for this Beautiful potential of a New Golden Age?....

All our Love, Your Ancestors <3 "

If you answered Yes... we welcome you to continue reading on...

You may also find yourself wondering...

How do we attain this New Golden Age?

How do we open ourselves to our Divine potential as Creator Beings in alignment with the wisdom of our ancestors?

What changes must we meet for this New Golden Age of Abundance to flow forth?

Where can we focus our energy on growth, improvement, and adaptation for the Health, Harmony, and Happiness for All Life?

Taking Responsibility for our Awareness is a Great First Step.


Focusing our Actions on anything that promotes Harmony within Self, with others and with Nature, leads to more Harmony of the elements, for you and for All Life. These are the conditions which can foster Divine Abundance, A Golden Age on Earth.


Learning to build with awareness of the Earth's Crystalline Grid with BioActive materials (such as wood, stone, sand, glass, crystal, ceramic, copper, silver, & gold), in Life-Giving Sacred Geometrical BioArchitecture, is one important aspect of Awakening a New Golden Age of Atlantis...

Learn more on this topic, in my previous blog/video "How to Heal The Crystalline Grid of Earth & Awaken A New Golden Age"


The Golden Age of Atlantis may have fallen, the Beautiful Crystal Castles, Palaces, and Pyramids of Atlantis now emanate beneath the waves, yet the wisdom of the Arts and Sciences, of Medicine, and of the Spiritual Nature of our Ancestors was preserved.... for there were those of us who foresaw the destruction....sought to survive or preserve precious remnants of this Golden Age of Atlantis so that we could CoCreate A New Golden Age in Divine Time...


We welcome you to check out a diverse collection of documentaries from various researchers on Atlantis, on my YouTube channel JillianRachel432 titled "Atlantis: A Golden Age Awakening"


Cheers to CoCreating Health & Harmony for ourselves & The Earth, Awakening A New Golden Age!

Thank You for taking the time to read this blog, and Thank You for Being Here, Sharing Your Own Unique Gifts with the world.

Link to Full Length YT Video “Atlantis: A Golden Age Awakening”


Please feel free to Like & Share this blog or video if it resonates, or Leave a <3 or comment below if you are ready to Awaken A New Golden Age!


If you feel called to work with Crystals to help create more harmony with the elements within and without, for yourself and for All, to help bring the Beauty and Balance of Nature to your Life and the Lives of Loved Ones, we welcome you to explore a diverse collection of harmonizing resources such as Natural Mindfully Sourced Crystals, Crystal Craft Supplies, Herbal Remedies, DIY Guides, Meditation Tools, Blogs & Articles, and Nature-Inspired Books at 

Much Love, Light, & Nature's Blessings <3

Jillian & Jaime

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