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Awakening A Lost Age of Advanced Healing Technology

Writer's picture: Jillian MondrowJillian Mondrow

Updated: Jul 30, 2024

There exists a wonderful collection of stories from our ancestors of many diverse cultures, woven throughout our remembered Akashic Records of Time, which tell of a Lost Age of Advanced Healing Technology.

People from all cultures of the world are united by a deep calling to reconnect with their ancestors, with their stories, wisdom, resources, and technologies, so that we can be guided by their knowledge and experiences in our lives today.

Along this journey, many of us will begin to recognize that we often embody the emotions and experiences of our ancestors. For could feel like a deep knowing for someone or something you can't quite place, perhaps a unique pattern of challenges along your journey... For some it could be a particular skill that they excel in, or an almost unexplainable fear...and many hold memories and experiences of profound Love, Hope, Faith, Strength, and Courage...

Today, we honor this calling, not only to connect with our ancestors and their wisdom, but also to help bring Peace and Healing and integration of the past... through confirmation, acceptance, and forgiveness of the experiences of our past and of our ancestors, we have an opportunity to embrace our ancestral memories, our Akash, with Love, so that we can learn how they can be utilized to Empower us, helping us to reach our full potential as individuals, as Family, and as a Unified Collective.

Along this Beautiful journey of reconnecting back with ancestral memory, we tapped into certain records and archeological findings which indicate the use of advanced healing medicines, wisdom, and technologies. Medicines were made with potent natural herbs and botanicals, Created in Harmony with Mother Nature, guided with the Wisdom of the Earth and the Elements.

Guided with the wisdom and knowledge of Nature, our ancestors created Healing Technologies utilizing the elements in abundance around them - healing technologies made with the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit/Ether/Plasma... elements such as Stones, Gemstones, Sand, Sun, Water, Minerals, Metals, and Consciousness... the Consciousness of Creation which flows within and connects All Life. When we CoCreate with the elements, in Balance and Harmony with Nature, we can manifest truly Advanced Works of Art, Science, and Technology...

Some of the healing technologies our ancestors created, included sound healing instruments, such as various flutes, gongs, drums, and oval/pine cone shaped stones, as well as their own voices... They also utilized various shapes and sizes of crystal healing technologies, some of them as simple as crystals in their pure natural form…

Others were a bit more complex... such as Ancient Stone Circles like 'Stone Henge' in England, Cadair Star Map of Wales, and Adam's Calendar in Africa. We really appreciated this perspective and documentary shared by Chad Williams @Deeper Conversations with Chad on the different energy vortices or Chakra points of the Earth, and how they are tied to our health and wellbeing, as well as The Great Awakening of the Individual and Unified Collective. 

Ancient Stone Circles

Our ancestors also worked with sacred stone circles and stone tools which were carved to specific shapes, many of them in the shape of eggs or ovals, as well as cones or pine cones, shaped to resonate specific sounds, tones, and musical frequencies which may have been used not only to heal the mind, body, and Spirit, but also perhaps even to help build the structures and environment in which they lived and created.

 Instruments such as Flutes, Didgeridoos, Drums, Gongs, Hang Pans, have been found to produce sounds which resonate to Solfeggio Tones as well as 432hz, producing states of Harmony and Healing within the Heart, Mind, and Body. Didgeridoos are unique in they have even been found to produce levitation in certain types of stones and minerals... generating an anti-gravitational affect, called 'acoustic levitation'.

Check out this YouTube video by TaiStar for an awesome demonstration of this...

Michael Tellinger, founder of the One Small Town initiative, has dedicated his life's work to studying the thousands of Ancient Stone Circles and Stone Tools used by our ancestors of Ancient Africa and various other countries around the world, emanating unique sacred geometry and electromagnetic properties. In sharing this information, he is helping to bring forth the ways and wisdom of our ancestors to the People of Today, so that we can help contribute to the regeneration of our society and economy, Building a Better Foundation for our Greater Community.

[ " Imagine a beautiful world filled with harmony, joy, peace and abundance. The kind of world we have all dreamed of. We are creating this world for ourselves, for our families and our communities. Not at some stage in the distant future, but now, in our own lifetime.

If you are tired of working like a slave just to make ends meet; If you believe there is a better way for us to live and thrive; If you know that cooperation and collaboration creates prosperity; the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative is the place for you. " Everyone can become a proud global member of the ONE SMALL TOWN initiative. You don't have to live in an active town. Click HERE for more information]

Throughout his journey, Michael has traveled the world to speak about his findings, as well as written books, created a YouTube channel, and established an organization based off of the balancing, foundational principles, wisdom, and philosophy utilized by our ancestors, called One Small Town, founded on the Spirit of Ubuntu, an African notion meaning "I am Because We Are", establishing a more Unified Collaborative CoCreative experience within community, in harmony with the wisdom of our Ancestors and of Mother Nature, inspiring many communities and diverse cultures of people around the world to work together to create more Harmony and Abundance for All.

We completely resonate to this idea, to the idea of Ubuntu,

I am Because We Are.

...this idea that Each and every One of Us helps to contribute to this world, and helps to support All Life, in some unique way....

We may operate as a collective of Beautiful Diverse Unique Beings, yet we CoCreate together as One Living, Breathing, and Dreaming planetary Body, called Earth... <3

Shiva Lingams were used in Ancient India for purposes such as harmonizing masculine and feminine energies, improving health and vitality, cleansing and revitalizing water, manifesting prayers and blessings, as well as potentially generating electricity. Praveen Mohan has provided some amazing perspective and research on Ancient sites such as Angkor Watt and Angor Tom in Cambodia, places where many Shiva Lingams have been discovered. We highly recommend this video from Praveen Mohan discussing his perspective and research on the electricity-generating potential of these Ancient Hindu Shiva Lingams. He believes it's possible this energy was used in ancient times for healing the body. There are modern technologies which use electrotherapy - micro-current therapy is one such therapy that is used today, which leads us to consider the high probability of this being used by Ancient Hindus for the purposes of healing. Today, they have found Shiva Lingam water to bring total mind, body, spirit health to those who soaked their hands in the water for 40 days.

Perhaps the purity of Mind Body Spirit Health, can be found within, in simple faith, belief, and meditation or prayer in our body's ability to heal…. 

For our own intentions and energy play a significant role in our health and wellbeing. As this is perhaps where the True Potential of healing really comes from... the Unified Field within...

the Source of Infinite Love and Light within us, which connects us All… 

From this space of Divine Union, Oneness, Love, Stillness… We are called forth into the wisdom of our senses, the physical manifestations and resources which Bless us in this Beautiful world of Abundance, those which have been gracefully CoCreated by BeLoved God/Source, Earth/Gaia/Pacha Mama, and by All Life…

resources and tools which we can utilize to help guide us back to

Divine Health, Harmony, and Wholeness.

To continue on the note of wholeness and unity...

The Ankh

The Egyptian Ankh  was cherished as a symbol of Eternal Life, and was also utilized as an ancient crystal healing technology for purposes such as faster Healing, Vitality, Manifestation, & Divine Union/Harmony of Masculine and Feminine energy.

The earliest ankh amulets were often made of gold or electrum, a gold and silver alloy, as well as copper and copper alloys. Egyptian faience, a metallic-glazed silicate (quartz-based) ceramic that was usually blue or green, was the most common material for ankh amulets in later times, perhaps because its color represented life and regeneration.

The ankh has been used for centuries to also represent copper, the metal associated with the Planet Venus. It was one of the few metals then known to the Greeks who chose to associate each metal with a planet. The range was:

1 - gold (sun)

2- silver (moon)

3 - lead (Saturn)

4 - tin (Jupiter)

5 - iron (Mars)

6 - mercury (Mercury)

7 - Copper (Venus)

This Beautiful Ankh was created By Ankhara Akeru aka The Cosmic Key Maker.

In addition to creating Beautiful Ankhs, Ankhara also guides others in Entheo breathwork meditations for Divine Connection, Vitality, Healing, and Theta Brainwave Synchronization.

This transformational breathwork is designed to harmonize your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, helping you to reduce stress and anxiety. By consciously breathing into your solar plexus, you'll be able to balance your energy and revitalize your cells on a molecular level. Through Breath, we can experience the power of resetting our energy and aligning with our highest self.

The breathwork is intentional in guiding us towards activating the Theta brainwave, which is associated with deep relaxation, meditation, and creativity. By the end of the session, you'll feel plugged in, highly energized, and ready to step into your flow state.

The Djed Pillars

The 'Djed Pillars' were another ancient Crystal technology which were used for generating plasma which could potentially increase Health and Vitality, as well as generate Light and electricity. Depictions of the Djed Pillars can be found depicted at the Temple of Abydos in Egypt...Djed Pillars (similar to the Jedi from Star Wars, may have even inspired George Lucas ideas on The Jedi and their use of ‘The Force’) The original ‘Djed Pillars’ are explained in further detail by Thoth in The Emerald Tablets.

The Emerald Tablets are a series of historical glyphs carefully carved onto genuine Emerald Crystal, discovered within the chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza [ The Emerald Tablets: A Compendium by Billy Carson & "Abydos: Holy City of Egypt" By Omm Sety & Hanny El Zeini ]

Dendera Light

The Dendera Light Bulb hieroglyphs are dated to over 4,000 years old at Hathor Temple in Abusir, Egypt. According to the hieroglyphic text surrounding the pieces, it depicts part of the Egyptian creation myth. The temple contains several reliefs depicting Harsomtus, in the form of a snake, emerging from a lotus flower which is usually attached to the bow of a barge.

The ‘Dendera Light’ is a variation of this motif, showing Harsomtus in an oval container called ‘hn’, which might represent the womb of ‘Nut.’

Sometimes a djed pillar supports the snake or the container.

A closely related motif is "god resting on the lotus flower".

The entire scenario appears to depict a circuit, with the Djed pillars delivering capacitor charge to a light bulb. It seems to show halos of plasma discharge between the characters. The bulb could contain GANS plasma (gas in a solid state) charged by a large capacitor.

The Djed pillars, from one perspective, could be a primitive plate capacitor made with a crystalline stone and metal such as copper to store charge, separated by air gaps and a dielectric core, resting on an isolated, central pillar. It is portrayed as part of the circuit, often in context with characters using bare hands, or connectors held to jump the plates.

[About the snake inside the Dendera Light Bulb]

"The field surrounding Ra's snake form is referred to in ancient Egyptian literature as “protective magical energy in liquid form that all gods and pharaohs possess”

(Faulkner 1970)

A beautiful example of an old-world technology still available today, that is based off of ancient healing technology such as the Dendera Light, is the Plasma Wand, like the Tesla Coil Violet Ray for example. We appreciated this video on the topic titled "ELECTROTHERAPY UNCOVERED: Tesla Coils / Scalar Healing / Plasma Devices..."

shared by Old World Florida on YouTube, an amazing resource to learn about the secrets and stories of our ancestors from The Fertile Crescent, home to the Fountain of Youth,

where stories stem of Tartaria, Atlantis, and the Garden of Eden.


Photo By TheraPhi

Theraphi is a powerful double conjugate plasma light / infrasound bioactive field. More detailed physics behind Priore – and the precise conjugate physics of Theraphi Created by Dan Winter and Paul Harris. 

The actual plasma tube arrangement used for this ‘time reverse / rejuvenation’ conjugation is depicted with remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carving of the Dendera Light, It is phase conjugate, centripetal, negentropic. Negentropy, opposite of entropy, or chaos, is the harmonizing creative principle, some refer to as ‘Syntropy.’ 

Photo By TheraPhi

Health Applications of Cop­per in Antiquity 

Copper’s use in medicine was initially recorded within the ancient Egyptian Smith Papyrus, written around 3000 BC, within which copper was described as having disinfectant powers. Within the Ebers Papyrus, from about 1500 BC, copper in multiple formats was recommended for a range of ailments from burn wounds to headaches. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, in lat­er times, around 2,400 BCE, An­cient Egyp­tians used cop­per to ster­il­ize wounds and to create various forms of practical tools, some of them for healing and some of them for creating many items for various purposes such as cookware, electrical, building, and mining tools.

One example, is a cop­per wa­ter pipe discovered in the Great Pyra­mid of Giza.

But the use of copper for healing was not unique to Egypt. Drinking water from copper vessels was believed to prevent infections and purify water—thus avoiding bowel issues—in a range of cultures, including the ancient Greeks, Chinese and within Ayurvedic practices of India. The Phoenicians even used shavings from their bronze swords—rich in copper—to prevent infection in battle wounds. The Aztecs reportedly prescribed gargling with a copper mixture to heal sore throats, while Mongolian tribes treated venereal ulcers with copper sulfate.

Greek physician Dioscorides recorded using a green pigment created by exposing metallic copper to vinegar vapor in eye treatments, the Hippocratic Collection recommended copper to treat leg ulcers and Pliny described its use in treatments for intestinal worms, mouth ulcers and ear problems. Greek copper kylix drinking cup from the 3rd to 2nd century BC. The Greeks believed that using bronze or copper drinking cups had health benefits, imparting medicinal properties. Copper was also revered for its associations to Aphrodite, and thought to enhance beauty and passion.

Cop­per got its name from the Latin “cypri­um” in hon­or of the is­land of Cyprus. At that time, Cyprus was the largest sup­pli­er of cop­per. In An­cient Greece, and lat­er dur­ing the time of alche­my, cop­per was linked with the planet Venus and in­di­cat­ed by the sym­bol of this planet. 

Cop­per played a ma­jor role in the de­vel­op­ment of mon­ey – in An­cient Rome cop­per was used for mak­ing coins from the 6th to the 3rd cen­tu­ry BCE.  Be­tween 5,000 and 3,000 BCE, as the Stone Age was draw­ing to a close, and hu­man­i­ty had not yet en­tered the Bronze Age,  peo­ple used cop­per quite wide­ly for health and healing, as well as for crafting, trading, and defense. This pe­ri­od has often been referred to as The Cop­per Age. The old­est cop­per ob­jects found in north­ern Iran however, are dat­ed to 8,700 BCE.

There was a clear connection found with copper artifacts at Casas Grandes (Paquime) in northern Mexico—including over 21,000 “tinklers” (pic 8), at least one dated to 975 CE, and Casas Grandes had some connection to the Toltecs. Bells were the largest percentage of goods created from copper and bronze, cast to fall within a range of pitches. Sounds were essential in rain-making & healing ceremonies, reproducing the sounds of thunder, rain and the roar of the jaguar. Metal came to be synonymous in several local languages for bell.

Copper is still being utilized today for healing purposes.

Copper Healing Tensor Technology by Aran - Aetheric Arts

Aran is an artist, alchemist, and inspiring human being dedicated to bringing harmony and health to his community and environment with Orgone and copper healing tensor technology. This type of technology created with Nature’s elements has the potential to oxygenate the air, neutralize harmful EMF from wifi, help to provide beneficial ions for a boost in healing and energy, restful sleep, and much more.

Tensor Ring Technology is a modern version of these ancient healing tools.

Atmospheric moisture is structured and negative ions are introduced for the clearing of the sky and revitalization of our world.

Pioneered in the 70s and 80s by Slim Spurling and his team, Tensor technology has been adopted by many young men and women who want to live in a clean world.

In this short Reel from Aran's IG @Aetheric_Arts, Aran and Nick create tools to purify the environment. Thousands of Healers around the world work with these tools to assist in transmutation of sorrow into joy.

We were genuinely inspired by this fascinating conversation on YouTube, grounded and guided by the wisdom of Nature and our ancestors, with Aran @AethericArts & @Deeper Conversations with Chad, titled “Talking Trees: Energetic Technologies with Aran”

Stay Tuned for an upcoming YouTube Series inspired by this wonderful conversation, dedicated to guiding others in the Art & Science of Energy Healing with Aran & Jillian.

Our ancestors learned the alchemy of shaping and combining various stones, crystals, and metal ores to produce tools and instruments which could heal us without the need for surgery. These tools and instruments would heal us using various frequencies of Light, Energy, and Sound. Some of the shapes which our ancestors believe to be most sacred include shapes and sounds which frequently align to Phi, 1.618, a universal mathematical pattern which can be found throughout the foundation of Creation of all Life on Earth and also throughout the Universe.

Photos above are from our DIY Guide : "Creating Sacred Space with the Geometry of Nature"

We offer specific techniques for aligning your Space to the Geometry of Nature,

Available as an Ebook for download on Phone, Tablet, or Computer

Some frequencies that are aligned to Phi and fractals of Phi include the Schumann Resonance (7.63hz (~8hz), 16hz, 20hz, 32hz, 47hz, 432hz (Frequency of Quartz based Crystals, Pyramids, Stupas, Hindu Temples, The Buddha shape, Bells/the Bell Shape, Mandalas, Om or Aum, Bird Songs, Cat Purrs), as well as the 9 Solfeggio Tones, produced by many ancient instruments such as Flutes, Didgeridoos, Gongs, & Drums.

These 9 Sacred Tones include:

174 Hz

Known as the healing frequency, 174 Hz has been found to have the greatest potential effect on the physical body when compared to the other frequencies. This low frequency may alleviate pain and stress throughout the body, improve concentration and clarity of thought, as well as give the organs in the body a sense of nourishment. The frequency may also relax muscles and lessen tension in the body, making it particularly beneficial for those experiencing headaches, migraines or pain in the back, neck, hands, feet, legs, and other areas of the body.

285 Hz

This frequency has the potential to heal and restore cellular tissue — it can be used as supplemental treatment for wounds such as cuts, burns, and lacerations. Plus, it may also help to support the immune system, balance your energy levels, as well as increase feelings of security emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

396 Hz

396 Hz can aid in the elimination of feelings of guilt, subconscious fears, negative beliefs, and grief, providing a sense of stability and security. Because the frequency generates uplifting energy, it may be effective as motivational music or for meditation.

417 Hz

The frequency may aid in the healing of mental, physical, or Spiritual trauma. It’s said to help clear negative energy from your mind, body, and Sacred Space, as well as negative thoughts and behaviors. 417 Hz could help you generate the motivation to embrace change in your Life, while also promoting restful sleep and balanced energy levels.

528 Hz

This is considered one of the most potent healing frequencies, with a higher potential impact on cellular regeneration, sleep and overall wellness. Also known as the ‘love frequency,’ ‘miracle tone,’ and ‘frequency of transformation,’ 528 Hz could stimulate imagination, intention, and intuition. Moreover, the frequency has been shown to support cortisal reduction (the stress hormone), lifting your mood and putting you in a state of serenity and relaxation, all of which can improve sleep quality. If you'd like to learn more about this wonderful frequency we highly recommend the work of Dr. Len Horowitz

639 Hz

639 Hz may aid in achieving mental and Spiritual balance. It can foster harmonious relationships between Loved ones, Animal and Spirit Guides, as well as the community in which you live. This frequency is also known to promote comprehension, communication, and tolerance of others.

741 Hz

By potentially stimulating the mind, promoting creativity and self-expression, and providing mental clarity, this frequency could help with focus on studying, research, intellectual work, and problem-solving. It can also support decision making, which can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life in many different ways. Also known as a ‘detoxifying frequency’, 741 Hz could be used to help those suffering from chronic pain in the body, or energetic blockages to feelings of Peace, Joy and Abundance.

852 Hz

This frequency may aid in the replacement of stressful emotions with emotions of peace, happiness, and security, as well as negative thoughts with positive, encouraging ones, making it helpful for relieving nervousness, anxiety, or depression.

963 Hz

963 Hz is associated with activating your Third Eye (Pineal Gland) and Crown Chakra, raising consciousness, and awakening intuition, connection to Self/Source and connection to the Higher Dimensional Realms of Love and Light. This Divine frequency is also believed to increase Positive Energy, provide Harmony, Balance, Clarity, and overall Health and Wellbeing.

Although all solfeggio frequencies have benefits that can help improve wellbeing, mood, energy, as well as contribute to better sleep, the 528Hz frequency is said to be particularly effective for improving sleep quality and reducing stress. In addition to 528 Hz, research suggests that 432 Hz music has a positive effect on overall sleep quality. Although it’s not one of the 9/18 commonly recognized frequencies, 432 Hz is also sometimes referred to as a solfeggio frequency, because of its synchronistic alignment to Phi, which is a unifying characteristic of all Solfeggio Tones. 528hz and 432hz seem to be particularly ideal for use as a sleep aid due to their relaxing and calming effects.

These frequencies, which are in Divine Alignment with the rhythmic flow of Nature, and the Universe, are particularly helpful for inducing feelings of relaxation and wellbeing, demonstrating an ability to slow the heart rate, regulate breath, and promote physiological homeostasis in the body. 

These Sacred Sounds and frequencies can be found embedded within Ancient Architecture including:

 Buddhist Temples


 Greco-Roman Churches

Phoenician, Etruscan/Pelasgian architecture, 

Moorish/Tartarian Churches, Buildings, 

and StarForts

The Pyramids of Egypt as well as many different pyramids which existed all over the planet at one time were also used for purposes such as Healing....Pyramids such as those dispersed across the Americas as well as those well known in Russia and Bosnia) these are manifestations of the elements, brilliantly created by our ancestors, which have demonstrated amazing benefits such as the faster healing of wounds, increased energy and circulation, enhanced creativity, catalyzed plant growth, improved Harmony, alleviation of stress and chaotic energy in the form negative emotions, EMF, and low frequency radiation. You're welcome to visit for a plethora of valuable research on the pyramids and their beneficial properties. JJ & Desiree Hurtak offer wonderful research as well with regards to the implications of the Pyramids for overall wellbeing in mind, body, and Spirit in their book  "Giza's Industrial Complex: Ancient Egypt's Electrical Power & Gas Generating Systems" – May 27, 2022 by James E. Brown, Dr. J.J. Hurtak PhD, & Dr. Desiree Hurtak PhD

Remembering the Wisdom of Our Ancestors

Today, we feel truly blessed to be able to say with confidence, that we are beginning to remember the Sacred Wisdom of our ancestors...and through Orgone, remembering the wisdom of the Pyramids… demonstrating potential benefits today such as faster healing in minor wounds, improved energy and circulation, heightened creativity, enhanced plant growth, as well as neutralizing harmful ions of EMF radiation from Wifi technology. Orgone pyramids, pendants, and other devices of modern times are generally composed of resin, metal shavings, rocks or gemstones, and a smaller portion of sand (tiny particles of quartz) or quartz-based crystal.

To help fuel health, creativity, and spiritual empowerment for yourself, family, friends, and community, we welcome you to a diverse collection of Orgone Healing DIY resources and supplies such as Orgone DIY Research & Guides, Natural Mindfully-Sourced Crystals, Gemstone Sands & Powders, Copper Chop, Flakes, & Wire, and a variety of Silicone Molds at 


At one time in our history, over 10,000 years ago, the Great Pyramids of Egypt utilized sandstone, Quartz, and Gold to generate Orgone energy. This sacred knowledge was lost, but has now been remembered, demonstrating potential benefits such as faster healing in minor wounds, improved energy and circulation, heightened creativity, enhanced plant growth, as well as neutralizing the harmful ions of EMF radiation from Wifi technology.

Today, Orgone pyramids, pendants, and other devices are fundamentally composed of resin, metal shavings, sand, rocks or gemstones, and a smaller portion of quartz.

While we can't make any promises, we can promise that we have taken the time to research and read many articles and books, as well as physically make many batches of pyramids in order to teach ourselves the real science and alchemy of Orgone energy.

Click Here to read more about Orgone Science, Benefits, & DIY

Greco-Roman, Phoenician, Etruscan/Pelasgian architecture,

as well as Moorish/Tartarian Churches, Buildings, and StarForts.

These architectures and buildings would often include use of Sacred Geometry, as well as instruments such as Bells & Organs, Cymatic Windows, and Conductive Antennas with spheres and other conducive sacred shapes for harnessing Harmonic, Life-Giving, Etheric Plasma Energy)... These Ancient Architectures, which have been shown to emit benevolent frequencies, were built in various different times by various diverse cultures throughout our known history with such a level and skill and knowledge which is truly humbling for us today.

For more information on the relationship between healing frequencies and architecture, we welcome you to watch this video shared recently on this channel titled “432hz Architecture.”


..."A building that makes Life, the definition of Sacred Space." - Dan Winter @DanWinterFractalField on YT

If you'd like to learn how to draw, or perhaps, someday even build with the foundations of this same Sacred Geometry, we highly recommend the perspective and guidance of Master Geometer, George Leoniak of KnewGeometers. His work focuses on uniting Science, Art, and Spirituality. A passionate and patient teacher, he loves inspiring others to awaken their creativity with the transformative potential of sacred geometry, as he helps to grow an interconnected community of Sacred Geometers Worldwide.

Feel free to visit his website for more information.

If you feel called to learn the ancient Solfeggio Tones used by our ancestors, you can do so so today by learning to play the same musical instruments (Flutes, Didgeridoos, Drums, Gongs, Bells, Harps, Hang Pans, etc, or by producing music with these instruments in music-producing software such as Ableton, Serato, and Audacity at the appropriate frequency.

Generally people who wish to align their music to Phi while producing with electronic software will select either 432hz or 444hz.

For those who may prefer another option for utilizing these Sacred Sounds for Harmony, Health, and Wellbeing... we highly recommend checking out FlameInSound app for Apple, as well as these Solfeggio Frequency apps for Apple and these apps for Android.

FlameInSound App "Includes the world's most powerful BINAURAL BEAT programmable audio trigger frequencies: Accurate by equation to pure bliss / trance / negentropy - precisely tuned to the same successful plasma rejuvenation physics ( Dan Winter and Paul Harris)- see . Also with Sacro-Cranial expertise from lead programmer Patrick Botte integrates precise beat note frequency options for MAYER WAVE/ HRV LF - 0.1hz coherence/ breath training - AND multiple options for scientific triggering of the chakras by trigger frequencies.

Can display in real time the relationship between the sound beat and heart HRV & Cranio-Sacral pressure wave (from PPG BERRY BM1000 sensor).

Measure and compare the worlds most complete Biofeedback Coherence & entrainment to HRV / Breath / Sacral-Cranial: complements

HRV /Heart / Pulse /Breath sensors ( Polar H7 chest strap or BERRY BM1000 finger clip)- to allow complete BREATH / HRV / coherence training. This broad spectral synchrony FULL BODY COHERENCE TRAINING - is unprecedented! ( also in synchrony with HRV apps suite ).

Version 1.1 Can be connected to Empathy Trainer new amplifier for exciting full 2 channel EKG Allowing real empathy & tantra heart coherence training"

To get the most out of incorporating Solfeggio Frequencies into your routine:

Find a quiet place: Ideally, you should find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and choose the best solfeggio frequency for your needs. Some good places to access solfeggio frequencies include YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer. You should also ensure that the location you select allows you to position yourself in the most comfortable way possible.

Keep an eye on the volume: Set your preferred frequency to a volume that you are comfortable with. Because it’s intended for relaxation, music sounds used for healing and getting quality sleep should be set at a low to moderate volume.

Relax: Listening to solfeggio frequencies should be effortless — allow yourself to be present with the sound vibrations as they wash over you and help you relax. Also, remember that due to the relaxing nature of the frequencies, listening to sound patterns while performing tasks that require your full attention is probably not a good idea.

When used properly, solfeggio frequencies can open up a world of relaxation and improved wellbeing.

We can listen to the Solfeggio Tones on YouTube Here

Also, if you're interested in learning more about the specific frequencies related to health in the body, check out this amazing source

Certain technologies have been made to amplify the specific frequencies which can be used for healing. One of these is the Rife machine. The real Rife Machine is an electromagnetic radio frequency device, engineered by scientist Dr. Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s, used to address various health concerns. It uses Sacred Geometry.  Living descendent of Dr. Royal Rife, inventor of the original "Rife Machine," Matthew Rife inherited his Uncle Roy’s proprietary journals, notes, formulas and blueprints for the advanced energetic frequency healing technology.

At a very young age, Matthew was gifted with exceptional mechanical ability and took an interest in Dr. Rife’s manuscripts. He dedicated himself to learning more about mechanics, electrical and structural engineering, math, physics and theory creation. After experiencing the loss of a Loved one, Matthew decided it was time to share his uncle's technology with the world via 

Using Dr. Rife’s journals and all of the knowledge acquired through his studies, Matt took on the heavy task of resurrecting his uncle’s machine – the REAL Rife Machine. Together with his business partner, Matthew seeks to change the world, starting with transforming the health tech industry. He currently lives on the Gulf Coast and spends his free time fishing, being in nature, and focusing on humanitarian related projects. The Real Rife Machines are featured in our Electroculture Blog and video documentary on YouTube.

If you feel called to create your own Advanced Healing Technology in harmony with the elements, in tune with the wisdom of your ancestors, to help bring the Beauty and Balance of Nature to your Life and the Lives of Loved Ones, we welcome you to explore a diverse collection of harmonizing resources such as Natural Mindfully Sourced Crystals, Crystal Craft Supplies, Herbal Remedies, DIY Guides, Meditation Tools, Blogs & Articles, and Books at

To read more about on the topic of a Lost Age of Advanced Technologies... we invite you to read our Electroculture Blog

Much Love, Light, & Nature's Blessings for Friends, Family, & BeLoved Community,

Jillian & Jaime

OpaLight Market

Thank You for taking this journey with us,

for joining hands with your peers of today who share a desire to open their hearts and minds to the ways of their ancestors, so that we can learn from them the ways of their profound

healing techniques and technologies inspired by the

wisdom, Beauty, & Balance of Nature.

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