The Importance of Plants on Planet Earth
Plants are often seen as simple beings, yet from a unique perspective, they are incredibly complex by the miraculous patterns of nature. They are a form of Life known for sharing many gifts of Beauty, Nourishment, Magic, Wisdom, and Wonder. Plants may be appreciated for their decorative abilities, however, they are in fact absolutely essential for Life on this planet, as we know it to be. Through a dynamic and intricate process known as photosynthesis, plants produce oxygen for us to breathe. They also filter toxins from our air, transfer nutrients through the soil, and provide food, medicine, shelter, as well as textile materials for purposes such as fashion or furniture. Additionally, many plants share their essence in the form of ornate landscape, natural home décor, and as cherished sources of spiritual or creative inspiration.
If we just take a moment to appreciate all of the ways in which plants have helped our world, it’s easy to see how important it is for us to preserve their longevity. Despite our efforts today, plants are showing signs of dire strains on overall health and wellbeing. Biologists attribute this strain on plants and crops to factors such as human activity, deforestation, chemical runoff, over-harvesting and monoculture, pesticides and insecticides, as well as climate change. All of these factors are harming the health and biodiversity of Nature. A group of physicists, biologists, and electro–engineers share a perspective that certain manmade materials we use today, such as steel and aluminum, are also contributing to a dampening of the biofield of plants, animals, and humans. In general, a basic lack of understanding of the science of Life and Energy is at the heart of this disharmony we feel and witness within our bodies and environment.
This disharmony or decline in bioactivity is ultimately why there is not enough rain or water in certain areas, why beneficial bacteria is hard to find in most soil, why there’s a loss of nutrients in our food, and why many of us endure an array of health issues today. Additionally, limited access to clean, active, ion-charged water to grow our food and hydrate and nourish our people, is becoming one of the single greatest issues on this planet. All forms of Life on Earth are a part of this same great ecosystem-- each and every one of us contributes to the delicate balance of energy and natural resources we all share. In this way, harmonizing with the other forms of life, elements, and resources in our environment, is of upmost importance to maintaining the natural Beautiful Biodiversity of this Beloved planet.
Preserving Biodiversity & Bioactivity
There are many factors which contribute to the overall Health, Longevity, and Biodiversity of Life. Here, we share a few important aspects that not only promote Biodiversity and Bioactivity, but may in fact be essential to the livelihood of plants, animals, humans and many other forms of Life.
Bioactive Water
For most of us, the first step to ensuring overall health and longevity is pure, clean, mineralized, ion-charged, Bioactive Water. Finding and maintaining a trusted source of purified water is one of if not the most important elements to Life. Plants and humans are mostly made of water, therefore, water is the essential element to our being. When we are born, we are about 78% water. By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65% in humans. A plant can be up to 95% water. This is why water could be noted as the first important factor in protecting overall plant health and bioactivity.
Aside from using filters to remove physical impurities such as dirt, toxins, chemicals, and microbes, we can recharge and re-program the water molecules to retain their bioactivity. You can use Bioactive Materials such as Crystals and Orgone, in combination with Harmonic Sacred Geometry, Healing Sound Frequencies, as well as the Sun to reactivate, recharge, and revitalize the Life-Giving potential of Water. The methods we list below, can be applied to enhancing the bioactivity in water, plants, animals, food, our bodies, and essentially, everywhere there is Life.
Crystals, Orgone & Other Bioactive Materials
Bioactive Materials have the potential to promote the flow of healthy energy and ions. It has a lot to do with harmonic molecular structure and energetic capabilities. Bioactive Materials include Crystals*, Orgone/Orgonite*, Sand, Glass, Cement, Carbon/Activated Charcoal*, Copper, Ceramic, Clay, Wood, Bamboo, and Hemp, to name a few. [1]
*Crystals are bioactive due to their properties such as their stable, self-organizing lattice crystalline structure as well as the electrical nature of Quartz Crystals to be Piezoelectric (capacity to accelerate ions).
*Orgone/Orgonite is also bioactive due to its geometry as well as piezoelectric ability which it owes to its blend of rocks, sand, gemstones, Quartz crystals, & conductive material such as copper. This natural alchemical blend is known for its potential to generate a flow of beneficial ions, which are great for promoting the healthy flow of energy throughout the cells in our body and throughout all forms of Life in our environment.
*Activated Charcoal is Charcoal that still holds within it the energy from the chemical reaction of burning or being exposed to oxygen. Activated charcoal — also known as activated carbon — is a black powder made from carbon sources, like wood or coconut shells. It’s “activated” after these materials are heated to high temperatures (such as through burning) and exposed to certain gasses, such as oxygen. The heat or oxygen ionically charges the carbon, enhancing its bioactive potential. Activated Charcoal can be sprinkled into the soil to help improve plant growth, water absorption, nutrient uptake, and microbial activity. [2]
Stable Harmonic Frequencies
Crystals have a naturally stable energy frequency due to their self-organizing, harmonic geometry of molecules. Other crystals that have a self-replicating crystalline lattice structure similar to Quartz, tend to also emit stable harmonic frequencies as well as demonstrate piezoelectric ability (the capacity for ionic acceleration). This capacity to accelerate ions at stable harmonic frequencies is what allows crystals and Orgone to generate Life Force Energy for Plants and All Life. Due to their stable harmonic energy amplifying abilities, Crystals and Orgone/Orgonite are great for us to work with when the goal is plant growth, healing, manifestation, or communication.
Music and Sound are another example of stable harmonic frequencies. Music tuned to Phi/Golden Ratio has been discovered to enhance plant growth and cellular replication. Phi/Golden Ratio is a harmonic self-replicating mathematical pattern expressed throughout the creation of Life and the Cosmos. The Double helix of DNA is aligned to this same pattern, as is the formation of Hydrogen and the growth pattern of plants and animals. The shape of the violin is aligned to the Golden Ratio, and interestingly enough, music produced by a violin has been proven to increase plant growth. Mozart and Bartok are two composers who have created music which follows the mathematics of the Golden Ratio, and whose music has been shown to improve plant health. The natural music of birds in the daytime as well as the nocturnal tones of crickets at night, have also been found to demonstrate positive effects on plant growth and vitality. [3]
Working with The Geometry of Nature for Plant Growth & Crop Production
Placing rocks, crystals, and/or gemstones in the shape of symmetrical grid can help to energize and empower your stones and surroundings with a specific intention. Sacred Stone Circles and Crystal Grids make great divination and manifestation tools, but they are also practical on a larger scale -- for use in healing the land, balancing the elements, enhancing food crop production, promoting bioactivity in the environment, all while utilizing the Earth’s own empowering Life Force Energy. The science behind Crystal Grids and Sacred Stone Circles, is the physics of electromagnetism. The electromagnetic pull of these elements to form certain shapes, provides a harmonic foundational framework for energy to pass through and become amplified.
** If you’d like to learn insider techniques on how to utilize Crystals, Orgone/Orgonite and Crystal Grids for increasing the vitality of your garden, you’re welcome to read the full downloadable Ebook:
In Summary
There are many actions we can take to help preserve the vitality of the land, the plants, the animals, ourselves and all forms of Life. It begins with our willingness to learn to work with Nature’s elements, creating from a place of Love, Wisdom and Harmony with one’s environment. We hope some of what we have shared here may help or inspire you in some way to cultivate more health and wellbeing for the plants, yourself, and for all Life on Planet Earth.
1. http://www.bioactivefield.com/
2. http://biochar.info/?p=en.terra_preta
3. “The Effect of Music on Plant Growth and Pests” - Sharma, 2022