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EMF Protection & Grounding

Writer's picture: Jillian MondrowJillian Mondrow

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

EMF Protection: Why is EMF a Major Threat to Our Health?

EMF which stands for electromagnetic fields are typically associated with ungrounded electronic technology technology such as many wireless technologies, wifi towers, routers, cell phones, lap tops, TVs, refrigerators, microwaves, old wires in the home, etc. Ungrounded electricity in the form of EMFs indicates that there is electricity flowing freely with potential of the positively charged ion radiation damaging all forms of life in the surrounding environment.

5G, the newest form of wifi, continues to provide a faster and wider range of internet access across the country, however, it also happens to lack proper grounding of the radio frequency radiation emitted. 5G Wifi emits a dangerous level of positive ion radiation, which means all devices which are 5G capable such as many of our cellphones and laptops, now emit the same harmful radiation. Scientific studies have proven this level of radiation to be extremely harmful to our cognitive abilities as well as to all proteins and cellular tissues in the body including our DNA, therefore, proper measures of protection are truly vital to our health as individuals and as a greater community.

About 10 years ago, I began to pick up on the harmful affects that the wifi was having to my own mind, body, and spirit... a consistent, repeatable abnormal pain in my heart and hands generally upon use of around 1hour+ laptop and cellphone use was the signal to me that something needed to be changed, otherwise my body and the body of my Loved Ones would continue to be exposed to dangerous levels of this radiation.

For me, the affects of the EMF became nearly undeniable, so my partner and I decided to research methods of neutralizing the harmful affects of the wifi. It is for this reason that we now CoCreate and share Orgone and Orgone DIY materials with others. The benefits that we receive from Orgone and other Grounding Techniques are explained further in this blog... why we believe Orgone, Grounding, & Learning how to Generating Earth's Beneficial Ions, are some of the best solutions we have available to defend against the harmful effects of 5G wifi and other dangerous forms of positively charged ion radiation such as toxins, chemicals, and pollution in our bodies and environment.  

Grounding/Earthing: Connection of Self & Sacred Space to The Earth

Grounded electricity is electricity where the positively charged (harmful) ion radiation from ungrounded electricity is neutralized. 'Grounding' in Nature also known as 'Earthing' or walking Barefoot on the Beautiful Sacred Lands of Earth is one wonderful way to 'ground' the harmful radiation that is too often picked up by our Sacred Hearts & Space, the electromagnetic fields of our bodies, while welcoming the neutralizing, revitalizing, beneficial negatively charged ions into our feet, from the Earth.

Have you ever experienced the almost unexplainable rejuvenating feeling of being at the beach, in the forest, or near a waterfall... a Refreshing, Revitalizing, Blissful energy?

This is the feeling of our bodies sensing and receiving these beneficial ions produced from the Earth, often in the form of negatively charged oxygen particles. These charged oxygen particles generated by the synergy of flowing ions within water, minerals, and other natural elements, bring vitality to all life in the surrounding environment. These beneficial ions from our Earth, also help to neutralize harmful positively charged particles in the form of EMF radiation, cosmic radiation, Free Radicals (positively charged oxidizing particles) such as Toxins & Chemicals in our waters, bodies, and environment.

Copper Grounding Wires & Grounding Mats


A neutralizing affect similar to to Grounding/Earthing is often accomplished through Copper Wire in our homes, which is generally connected as a Grounding Wire through the electrical outlets, grounded deep into the earth below the house by at least 8 feet, which help to transmit a steady flow of negatively charged (beneficial) ions capable of protecting us from unhealthy surges of electricity from our electronic devices.

 Grounding Mats such as those from or  provide an ionically conductive surface, connected to the grounded copper wires in electrical outlets, helping to extend this 'grounding' flow of beneficial negatively charged ions from the Earth into our bodies and Sacred Space. They are great for placing beneath our feet during regular activities, as a protective shield in front of our chest or beneath the laptop, on the bed to help provide restful and restorative sleep, or anywhere you feel called.

Orgone: Earth's Natural Bioactive Life-Giving Free Energy

Orgone, the beneficial ions generated from Earth’s natural Free Energy, can also help to neutralize the harmful effects of EMF, as well as demonstrate potential in faster healing of minor wounds, enhanced plant growth, improved energy and circulation, heightened creativity, as well as neutralizing the harmful positively charged ions of radiation from wifi technology and other sources of ungrounded electricity.

Orgone energy increases the flow of healthy bioactive energy for our bodies and environment, which can also be utilized to benefit agriculture by increasing plant health, yield, and vitality, improve health and harmony of the elements of our bodies and surrounding Nature, as well as help to generate Prana, Mana, Source, Life Force, Orgone, Earth’s Natural Free Energy for the wellbeing of all Life on the Planet.  

Working with Orgone can teach us to tap into the unifying source of energy flowing within us and all Life at all times.

Orgone's potential to neutralize EMF comes from it's piezoelectric activity. Piezoelectric activity is a friction that is produced from the combination of certain organic and inorganic earth elements such as crystals, gemstones, metals, and epoxy. The combination of these elements creates an electromagnetic 'scrubbing' effect which may explain the potential of Orgone to neutralize the positive ion radiation emitted by Wifi, most importantly 5G.  This piezoelectric ability may also help to explain a range of Orgone's potential health and environmental benefits.

  It is for these reasons that we now create and share Orgone materials with others, and why we believe Orgone is one of the best solutions we have available to defend against the harmful effects of 5G wifi. 

Orgonite (a balanced blend of Crystals, Grounding Earth elements such as Shungite or Black Tourmaline, Copper, Sand, and epoxy resin (preferably eco-friendly/non-toxic epoxy or sodium silicate/water glass)  Orgone/Orgonite has demonstrated amazing ability at generating Beneficial ions, great for neutralizing the harmful affects of EMFs/ungrounded electricity. As mentioned earlier, Orgone's potential to neutralize EMF comes from it's piezoelectric activity. Piezoelectric activity is a friction that is produced from the combination of certain organic and inorganic earth elements such as crystals, gemstones, metals, and epoxy. The combination of these elements creates an electromagnetic 'scrubbing' effect which may explain the potential of Orgone to neutralize the positive ion radiation emitted by Wifi, most importantly 5G.  This piezoelectric ability may also help to explain a range of Orgone's potential health and environmental benefits.

Now is the time for us to take proper measures to protect our health from this new upgrade in our country's technological platform.

If you are feeling inspired to work with Nature's elements for yourself, we provide the materials and resources to fuel your own creativity and spiritual empowerment! Click HERE to Start making Orgone for yourself & your community!

Generating Orgone, Beneficial Ions, Earth's Life-Giving Free Energy

When it comes to Orgone, many sources will recommend 50% resin with 50% metal, and while this may be a highly conductive combination, it is possible that the pyramid could amplify the harmful EMF if it is placed near technology inside of your home. Similar to how electricity in a home must be "grounded" through the use of copper wires into the earth at all times, we have found that an approximate equal mixture of resin, metal, AND grounding earth elements such as rock or solid gemstones is helpful if you plan to use these orgone pyramids for the purpose of EMF Protection.

Solid gemstones (like the ones mentioned in this blog), simple rocks (pebbles and stones you can find outside), and even cement will work as good grounding material. Black Tourmaline and Shungite are two types stones that have been well studied and researched for their grounding potential, which means they can neutralize intense chaotic energy effectively. Quartz and Quartz-based Crystals on their own will not be grounding due to their piezoelectric abilities (ability to create friction, generating heat and energy). This is however, what makes Quartz an essential part of Orgone. Due to the conducive shape of a pyramid, placing the Quartz & Quartz based crystals such as Rose Quartz and Amethyst near the top of the pyramid allows you to make the most out of their energy-generating potential to help create Orgone, Earth's Life-Giving Natural Free-Energy.

Using the metals throughout a grounding base of the pyramid, composed of gemstones and Black Tourmaline powder or any other neutralizing material, helps to create a matrix which disrupts the flow of the harmful ions from EMF and other forms of dense energy. Most kinds of metal will generally work for this, however, the more conductive a particular metal is, the better. This is why we recommend using either Copper (a widely known and used conductive metal), Pyrite (made mostly of Iron - another great conducer), or Gold (the best conducer on the planet). The polarity of the piezoelectricity of the conductive materials with the grounding actions of the more neutralizing materials, creates a strong flow of healthy harmonic energy.

Click Here to Learn More About the Science and Alchemy of Orgone Energy.


Grounding Stones & Natural Elements


Materials such as steel and man made metals or materials with toxic manmade chemicals all harm the flow of Life-Giving BioActive energy, beneficial ions. Learning to build with awareness of the Earth's Elemental Balance with BioActive materials (such as wood, stone, sand, glass, crystal, ceramic, copper, silver, & gold) is a wonderful step to protecting us from from the excess EMF and other forms of radiation, helping us to sustain vitality for All Life on Earth.

Crystals and gemstones and natural metals, which are made up of a complex array of minerals from the Earth, resonate to the frequency of Nature, and they can share that stable, Life-Giving frequency with all who share their Sacred Space.  

Copper, with its microcrystalline structure, is amazing for grounding excess EMF or reprogramming negative chaotic energy, as well as conducting the healthy Life-Giving frequencies of Nature.  Georges Lakhovsky, known for his “Lakhovsky Coils” made of copper of the early 1900s, proved the benefits of copper for improving circulation, as well as balance and vitality of energy in plants, animals, and humans. This heightened vitality, energy, and circulation protected living cells from disease, infection, pathogens, viruses, and microorganisms.  You're welcome to read more about Lakhovsky's copper coil research in our Electroculture Blog/video.

Crystals or gemstones which may resonate balance within the 1st/Root Chakra also known as Muladhara, are especially useful for Helping Us Stay Grounded and Connected to The Life-Giving Stream of Beneficial BioActive Ions from the Earth, stones such as:


Hematite is known to be very grounding. It is known to decrease negativity and can help to balance one’s relationship between the mind, body, and, Spirit. Hematite may also assist one in mathematical pursuits as well as in the development of both mental and manual dexterity. The magnetic qualities of this stone can be attributed to its high content of Iron Oxide and are used to bring harmony to the energetic meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium of the nervous system. The Iron Oxide in Hematite also contributes to its ability to generate negatively charged (beneficial) ions, which helps to neutralize EMF emitted from our personal technology.


Shungite contains matrix of activated carbon which helps to disrupt and neutralize negative energy such as radiation from wifi technology.  Shungite has been scientifically proven to lower radiation levels near our phones, laptops, routers, and smart meters, which are big culprits of the low frequency radiation known as EMF or electromagnetic frequencies.    


Black Tourmaline  Contains carbon similar to Shungite, making it great for grounding energy and for neutralizing EMF and negative/excess energy in the form of stress, however the carbon in Black Tourmaline may be slightly less activated than Shungite due to it being slightly less crystalline in structure than Shungite, still wonderful for grounding.



We offer many of these resources such as Crystals, Grounding Earth elements, Copper, and gemstone sands, silicone molds, and DIY Guides 

at OpaLight Market,

Other Methods & Medicines for Grounding & EMF Protection

There are some forms of natural medicine which can help to guard and protect our Health from the damaging oxidative stress and radiation from ungrounded electricity such as EMF.

Some of the best natural protectors to oxidative stress of the body we have come across, according to research, are medicinal mushrooms such as Turkey Tail and Reishi Mushrooms.

According to researchers such as the Amala Cancer Research Centre at Thrissur in Kerala and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at Mumbai say they found the mushroom extract could prevent cellular damage induced by radiation in cancer therapy, nuclear accidents and even in nuclear warfare. "The mushroom has profound antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, tumor and cancer preventive and to top it all radioprotective properties," says Janardanan, one of the researchers. The presence of aqueous extract of G lucidum (reishi) along with dna during irradiation with gamma rays reduced radiation induced lesions in dna by 89.53 per cent and prevented damage to certain cell organelles by 98 per cent. The findings appeared in Current Science (Vol 91, No 3, August 10, 2006). The mushroom (called reishi in India) finds mention in the earliest book on medicinal materials in China, Shen Nough's Herbal (100-200 ad). Earlier studies have shown it helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

"Macrofungi, commonly known as mushrooms, are not only considered functional foods for supplying essential nutritional ingredients but also a good source of physiologically beneficial medicines. Trametes versicolor, referred to as Turkey Tail’s Mushroom or Yun Zhi in China, is an edible mushroom that has extensive historical usage in conventional and traditional Chinese medicine. This mushroom contains an abundance of physiologically bioactive compounds, responsible for antioxidant, neuroprotection, hypolipidemic effects, immune-modulating effects, and anticancer effects. Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail) has also been revealed to have wound healing, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antifibrotic, neurotrophic, and anti-inflammatory effects among other therapeutic efficacies." - review paper from a themed issue on Functional Foods & Nutrition - 'Current Opinion in Food Science' 2024, 58:101191

Antioxidants are substances that can help prevent or delay cell damage caused by free radicals, which are reactive compounds that can lead to disease. Many foods are high in antioxidants, including berries, nuts, olive oils, and tomatoes. Here are some foods that are considered to be superfoods because of their antioxidant content:

  • Blueberries - A popular superfood that can help boost brain function, fight cancer cells, and lower cholesterol

  • Dark chocolate/Cacao - Choose at least 70%+ organic sustainably-sourced chocolate or Cacao to get the most antioxidant benefits, as well as dietary fiber and minerals. We really Love and highly recommend Navitas org. sust. Cacao! We add it smoothies, fruit dips, and my personal favorite is mixing a teaspoon of Navitas with MudWatr Medicinal Mushroom Morning Beverage, add a drop of almond or coconut milk creamer and agave/raw honey... a delicious Brain Boosting, Mood-Lifting, Neuroprotective, Super Antioxidant/Adaptogen, Immune Booster to nourish your Mind Body & Spirit at start your day <3

  • Artichokes - Contain vitamin C, hydroxycinnamic acid, and flavones, which all work as antioxidants

  • Raspberries - Rich in ellagic acid, quercetin, and anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that can help protect the body against disease

  • Strawberries - Contain polyphenols, which are antioxidant compounds, and are also a low glycemic fruit that can support healthy blood sugar levels

  • Beans - High in antioxidants and polyphenols, and the color of the bean can affect its antioxidant capacity

  • Nuts - Nuts are antioxidant powerhouses. Antioxidants, including the polyphenols in nuts, can combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals

  • Goji berries - Contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that can help protect against cancer and boost immunity

  • Kale - A nutritious vegetable that is considered a superfood due to its antioxidant content 


Breath is sacred… remembering something as simple as rhythmic breathing can have an amazing harmonizing effect on Heart, Mind, and Body. Breathing exercises such as 5-5-5, where you breathe in for 5 seconds, then exhale 5 seconds, then pause for 5 seconds before you breathe again… or, feel free to count to a number between 5 and 10 which feels comfortable for you, and use that number of seconds to help you regulate your breath as well as your heart. The pause between breaths is important to note as it allows a true moment of rest and stillness, just go with the flow of what feels best. You may feel called to allow a second or more time for your exhale.  


 Fresh air provides ions from charged oxygen particles, terpenes from the trees, Light/Life energy from our environment, and peace of mind, body, and Spirit. 

Gentle movement such as walking, stretching, swimming, doing yoga, or another gentle flow activity of your choice, especially in a Healthy Bioactive Environment, can help maintain healthy blood flow, blood pressure, as well as protective grounding connection to our Body, The Earth, and to All Life <3





Wishing You, Family, and BeLoved Community Much Love, Good Health,

and Harmony with Nature <3

With Love, Jillian & Jaime

OpaLight Market


Article Written By: Jillian Mondrow

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