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Heart Health & Harmony

Writer's picture: Jillian MondrowJillian Mondrow

The first organ to form in the human embryo was not the brain, but the Heart... being the center of the Torus, from which we all evolved. 


"Remembering that the first human organ to form in the womb was not the brain,


but the heart, the still point…


the Higher Heart, the Torus Heart.


Thus, an electro-magnetic field begins to envelop the embryo that You were,


You became a magnet…an invitation for duality to set in, blanketing You with its counter-rotating fields: 


electro is the principle of male energy, that which draws out…


magneto is the principle of female energy, that which draws in…


and the core is the Torus Heart, it is the spark plug…


the lightning bolt that connects the Above to the Below.


All Memory, which is vibrationally stored in Shape, in Crystal, and all Blood, which is DNA, must pass through its Gates…"


Jain 108



The Heart supplies us with the essentials for Life, wellbeing, Connection and Creation... 


So much of who we are and what we do, stems from our Heart, therefore, it is wise for us to care for and protect it, as best we can. 


Various forms of stress which may impose upon the health of our hearts include emotional stress, environmental stress toxins/pollution, EMF radiation from wifi technology, solar radiation (solar flare activity), viruses, bacteria, and parasites, diet/lack of proper nutrition, genetics, harmful side effects from certain pharmaceuticals, and any form of stress or energy that is not in alignment with the resonant frequencies or harmony of Nature and organic biology.


Thankfully, there are a diverse range of techniques, resources, and natural medicines we are Blessed to have available to us today, which can help us nourish the health of our hearts <3  



Clean Water


Access to clean well-filtered water is a foundation for health, as we, at our essence, are mostly water. Clean, filtered water helps to rehydrate, refresh, and ionize organs and tissues, maintain homeostasis and proper pH, eliminate any toxins, as well as help to provide oxygen, energy, and nourishment for the cells in the body. This provides a wonderful foundation for a Healthy Heart, as the Heart is at the foundation of circulating nourishment and energy throughout the body. 

Holistic Nutrition


A healthy diet of whole foods, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as organic and natural as possible, with healthy fats is great for cardiovascular health.


Beets - Due to a combination of compounds (nitrates, potassium, & antioxidants) found in beets, they are able to enhance blood flow, improve the health of arteries, support lower homocysteine levels and reduce LDL cholesterol. Beets can help relieve inflammation. Beetroot juice has potential to lower levels of inflammatory markers in people with high blood pressure. Beetroot juice helped significantly lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Beets are a rich source of dietary nitrates, which act as vasodilators to aid in improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure, and lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol.


Kale - The powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of kale make it a perfect food for promoting heart health. It contains many micronutrients that are crucial to heart health, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins such as vitamin K, minerals, potassium and magnesium, which are great for blood pressure and lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Other studies have found that it could also decrease blood pressure and stabilize blood sugar levels, both of which are major risk factors for heart disease. Kale is rich in Antioxidants as well. It’s particularly rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A. Antioxidants help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals, and they also play a central role in health and preventing disease.


Spinach - Spinach also has powerful antioxidant potential. It limits inflammation in the body, which is one of the main risk factors associated with the development of coronary heart disease. Studies show that spinach can protect heart health by enhancing the functions of nitric acid, which improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and promotes blood vessel health. Spinach is also rich in many specific carotenoids that have been linked to decreased inflammation and chronic disease prevention. Spinach nutrition is able to help heal blood vessel-related problems, including atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. The protective compounds found in spinach work together to keep arteries clear of dangerous plaque and cholesterol buildup, fight high blood pressure, increase blood flow and maintain healthy, strong blood vessels. The fiber found in spinach also works to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Combined, these factors greatly reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. 

Salmon - high in Omega 3 (healthy unsaturated fats) Because salmon nutrition is considered one of the top heart-healthy foods. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, regular consumption can help reduce systemic inflammation and the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension and stroke.


Walnuts - high in Omega 3s (healthy unsaturated fats) When it’s wild-caught and not farmed, salmon fish is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and one of the best fish to eat. It’s credited with everything from extending the life span to preventing heart attacks and cancer. And not only does the salmon nutrition profile possess one of the highest omega-3 contents of any type of fish, but each serving is also packed with tons of other vitamins, minerals and salmon protein as well.


Almonds - high in Omega 3s (healthy unsaturated fats) Two of the main compounds of almonds nutritional benefits are healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and antioxidants that support heart health and prevent factors of cardiovascular disease. These nuts specifically supply antioxidant flavonoids, plant-based compounds present in the skin of the nuts that work with vitamin E to improve artery health and reduce inflammation. Almonds nutrition also holds key nutrients to heart health, including arginine, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium and potassium. Studies show almonds have a consistent “bad” LDL cholesterol-lowering effect, especially in individuals with high cholesterol and diabetes.


They help prevent damage from forming within artery walls and protect against dangerous plaque buildup. Almonds nutrition benefits also make them a great food to support healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, in addition to fighting weight gain and obesity — three of the biggest risk factors associated with heart attacks and stroke.


The Mediterranean diet has been highly observed over the years because of its high-fat foods — not surprisingly, if you understand the purpose of unsaturated fats, people in these countries seem to have lower risks of heart disease and certain cancers as opposed to those on the traditional Western diet.


Fats are essential parts of your body’s ability to function. From body temperature to weight management, maintaining a good level of healthy fats in your body is extremely important to long-term health.


Monounsaturated fat is a fatty acid with one double bond in the fatty acid chain with the remainder single-bonded. The melting point of monounsaturated fats, or MUFAs, is between that of saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), meaning that they’re liquid at room temperature and begin to solidify when refrigerated. The most well-documented benefit of consuming monounsaturated fats is the potential for keeping your heart healthy, especially in terms of replacing high levels of unhealthy blood-pressure raising saturated fats with unsaturated fats like the ones listed above. Consuming higher levels of unsaturated fats than saturated fats has a protective effect against metabolic syndrome, a cluster of disorders that increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease.

Some foods to stay away from include red meats (unhealthy saturated fats), dairy (unhealthy fats), sweets (high in processed sugar), and carbohydrates (get converted into unhealthy sugars in the body.) All of these foods contribute to high cholesterol, which leads to the build-up of plaque in the arteries, as well as high blood pressure.   




Ginger -  lots of antioxidants, compounds that prevent stress and damage to your body's DNA. Ginger may help your body fight off chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diseases of the lungs, as well as promote healthy aging. From producing bile to manufacturing hormones, cholesterol is essential to overall health. However, high levels of cholesterol can build up in the blood, causing blockages and increasing your risk of heart disease.


One of the biggest benefits of ginger is its ability to naturally lower cholesterol levels and triglycerides to reduce your risk of heart problems. A study conducted at Babol University of Medical Sciences in Iran found that ginger capsule supplementation (3 g/day in 3 divided doses) was able to significantly reduce bad LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol compared to a placebo.


Although inflammation can be a normal, healthy immune response to injury and infection, chronic inflammation is believed to be a major contributor to conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. One review in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine noted that ginger extract is an anti-inflammatory food and may help inhibit the synthesis of certain markers of inflammation.

There is also a possibility that ginger benefits include preventing blood clots (thus reducing risk of heart attack) due to its natural acids that thin the blood.


Cinnamon – Cinnamon is actually made from the bark of the Cinnamomum verum (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum) tree. This bark contains several special compounds that are responsible for its many health-promoting properties, including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid and cinnamate. Cinnamon is packed with a variety of protective antioxidants that reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process. In fact, researchers have identified at least 41 different protective compounds found within the spice to date. The antioxidants in cinnamon can help relieve inflammation, which may help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline and more. Researchers have identified many different types of flavonoids in the spice, all of which are highly effective at fighting dangerous inflammation levels throughout the body.


Studies show that one of the top cinnamon health benefits is its ability to improve heart health. In fact, it has been shown to reduce several of the most common risk factors for heart disease, including high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels and high blood pressure to keep your heart healthy and strong. It has also been found to reduce high blood pressure, which is another risk factor for heart disease or a stroke. Cinnamon also increases circulation and improves tissue repair, which may be especially helpful for regenerating heart tissue.


Hawthorn - Hawthorn has flowers that grow in small white, red or pink clusters, native to temperate regions of North American and Europe. Early records indicate that the hawthorn tree was a symbol of love. It is also well known for its medicinal benefits. The antioxidant flavonoids in Hawthorne help to improve blood flow, guard against blood vessel damage, and even help to dilate blood vessels. Hawthorn’s berries, leaves and flowers are all used medicinally. The sweet and tangy red berries of the hawthorn plant are used to make jams, jellies, wines and cordials.


Astragalus - Astragalus native to Asian countries, has many compounds which benefit the immune and Cardiovascular systems in the body, considered an antiviral as well as adaptogen, as it provides nourishment to the cellular communication within all organs and tissues of the body. Studies show strong Antioxidant potential, as well as potential to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, helping to improve overall health of the heart.  


Hemp in the form of Hemp Hearts and fresh hemp greens have the full range of amino acids, offering amazing benefits for heart health. Organic Full spectrum Hemp CBD also offers amazing benefit for the nervous system and cardiovascular system with a full range of beneficial terpenes.


Quality, size of particles, and potency of therapeutic compounds are all factors that contribute to the healing potential of herbal medicine. The Full Spectrum of compounds in hemp produce what's called “entourage effect,” is the synergistic result of cannabinoids and terpenes working together to potentiate the effects of CBD, multiply its benefits, and amplify its therapeutic scope. Though the term is often used in misinformed contexts today, the “entourage effect” is a real phenomenon supported by two decades of scientific research. Countless clinical trials have shown that CBD formulas rich in other cannabinoids and terpenes  are exponentially more effective than formulas that contain CBD alone.  When it comes to full spectrum Hemp CBD, it also may help to use water soluble nanoparticles for increased bioavailability. 


Two High Quality Lab Tested Organic Full Spectrum CBD tinctures that we have tried and trust:




Oat tops or Milky Oats - amazing nourishment for the nervous system, helps to balance and alleviate stress on the nervous and Cardiovascular systems, commonly referred to as oats. oat tops refer to the milky tops that are consumed in dried form since the prehistoric era. Oat plant is characterized by the vertical stem and a dense fibrous underground root system. It has numerous branches with little flowers. 


The use of oats runs down through the generations as a food and health supporter. The oat tops are considered to originate with the aphrodisiac property. It is famous as ‘‘Nature’s Viagra’’ as it potentiates the libido in both men and women. Also, it helps in attenuating menstrual cramps, bloating, and other women-related disorders.


Oat tops are brimmed with various physiologically active compounds, out of which avenanthramide is useful in reducing inflammation. Other essential constituents include phosphorus, magnesium, folate, thiamine, calcium, sodium, niacin, fiber, and vitamin C. It supports heart health by promoting healthy circulation that reduces the chances of atherosclerosis, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. It also acts as a potent anxiolytic.


Positive Thoughts, Emotions, & Energies 


Helical Heart - the heart displays a Golden Ratio Spiral Vortex which provides the heart and body with an incredible electromagnetic energetic potential. 


The heart therefore is very sensitive to energy. 


Positive thoughts, positive emotions, listening to relaxing music in tune with the Schumann resonance, the Heartbeat of the Earth are wonderful forms of positive energy 


Love & Gratitude are emotional frequencies for balancing and nourishing the essence of the Heart.  Thinking kind words of yourself and others is a form of genuine therapy for Mind, Body, & Spirit.  


Healing Powers of 432hz 


The resonant frequency of the Earth has been measured to be 7.86hz-8hz also known as the 'Schumann resonance', a Phi fractal of 432hz. In this way, it could be said the frequency 432 Hz resonates to the frequency of our planet’s heartbeat.


According to the Nature Healing Society, when we have the A tuning to 432 Hz at eight cycles for every second, there exists an observable shift in our minds and bodies. The 432hz frequency in music has been found to relax the heart, mind, and body, heighten perception, increase mental clarity, unlock intuitive abilities, and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain, which works in tandem with the heart and the rest of the body.  


432hz is the only resonant frequency that is capable of naturally reproducing what is called the “Pythagorean Musical Spiral.” It's the same sequence of growth that all life follows, utilizing the formula of “Phi” also known as the “Golden Mean” or “Golden Ratio,” and its this same ratio embedded within the “Fibonacci Sequence.” In perfect alignment with the same sacred geometry of our Helical Heart. 


Fresh air and Breathing Exercises, & Gentle movement 


Breath is sacred… remembering something as simple as rhythmic breathing can have an amazing harmonizing effect on Heart, Mind, and Body. Breathing exercises such as 5-5-5, where you breathe in for 5 seconds, then exhale 5 seconds, then pause for 5 seconds before you breathe again… or, feel free to count to a number between 5 and 10 which feels comfortable for you, and use that number of seconds to help you regulate your breath as well as your heart. The pause between breaths is important to note as it allows a true moment of rest and stillness, just go with the flow of what feels best. You may feel called to allow a second or more time for your exhale.  


 Fresh air provides ions from charged oxygen particles, terpenes from the trees, Light/Life energy from our environment, and peace of mind, body, and Spirit. 


Gentle movement such as walking, stretching, swimming, doing yoga, or another gentle flow activity of your choice, can help maintain healthy blood flow and blood pressure.


Crystals for the Heart Chakra


Crystals, which are made up of a complex array of minerals from the Earth, resonate to the frequency of Nature, and they can share that stable, Life-Giving frequency with all who share their Sacred Space.  


Crystals which many use to resonate balance within the Heart Chakra 


Rose Quartz - Known by many as 'The Stone of Unconditional Love,' a divine rosey pink silicate quartz gemstone with an amazing connection to the Love Frequency, revered for its abilities to awaken the Heart to feelings of Love, harmony, and compassion. 


Rhodonite - Beautiful pink gemstone made of ore of lithium, known for its grounding, soothing relaxation of the Mind, Body, & Spirit, inspiring feelings of Peace, Love, and generosity. 


Aventurine - known for awakening the energies of Abundance, Prosperity, and Love within and without. The frequency of green is referenced for being aligned with the Heart Chakra, which nourishes the connections, relations, and CoCreations which stem from our Heart and Soul.  


Jade - This deep green gemstone gently pulls you into the Loving, Nourishing, Life-Giving Crystalline Heart of Gaia. This stone has been utilized by our ancestors for thousands of years for purposes of healing, wellbeing, prosperity, and even communication with ancestors and Spirit. This stone is wonderful for bringing balance and harmony to the Heart and its relations.


Shungite – contains matrix of activated carbon which helps to disrupt and neutralize negative energy such as radiation from wifi technology.  Shungite has been scientifically proven to lower radiation levels near our phones, laptops, routers, and smart meters, which are big culprits of the low frequency radiation known as EMF or electromagnetic frequencies.    


Black Tourmaline  - Contains carbon like Shungite, making it great for grounding energy and for neutralizing EMF, however the carbon in Black Tourmaline may be slightly less activated due to it being slightly less crystalline in structure than Shungite.


Copper, with its microcrystalline structure, is amazing for grounding excess EMF or reprogramming negative chaotic energy, as well as conducting the healthy Life-Giving frequencies of Nature.  Georges Lakhovsky, known for his “Lakhovsky Coils” made of copper of the early 1900s, proved the benefits of copper for improving circulation, as well as balance and vitality of energy in plants, animals, and humans. This heightened vitality, energy, and circulation protected living cells from disease, infection, pathogens, viruses, and microorganisms.  


Orgonite (a balanced blend of Crystals, Grounding Earth elements such as Shungite or Black Tourmaline, Copper, Sand, and epoxy resin (preferably eco-friendly/non-toxic epoxy or sodium silicate/water glass)      


we offer many of these resources such as Crystals, Grounding Earth elements, Copper, and gemstone sands, silicone molds, and DIY Guides 

at OpaLight Market,


Other Resources that can help to protect the Heart from Harmful EMF


Grounding and Grounding Mats – we can protect our hearts and bodies from the excess energies such as stress and EMF by connecting with the flow of electrons from the Earth, or, for those days when we can’t connect directly with the Earth with our bare feet, we can connect with the grounding wire made of copper built in to our homes, by plugging in a Grounding Mat and standing barefooted on the mat while working, doing dishes or rinsing produce or any activity. You can also place this under your laptop to protect your body from the EMF.  Additionally, you can move it to the floor in front of your chair to enjoy the health-giving barefoot connection while reading, watching TV, or simply relaxing. Made of 100% conductive carbon faux (vegan) leather. 



We personally support this company and can confirm the quality and viability. We sleep on one of their grounding mats every night and have one additional one which we rest underneath the laptop. (We are not affiliated with this or any of these companies in this blog, simply sharing our personal experience so that it may be of help to others)  




LOVE in All Forms… is a Gift to the Heart <3 


Cherishing Love in All forms is a wonderful way to heal the Heart <3  


All You Need is Love, Love is All You Need <3 


Wishing You, Family, and BeLoved Community Much Love, Good Health,

and Harmony with Nature <3

With Love, Jillian & Jaime

OpaLight Market




Sources for Research: 










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