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Sunstone Crystal Point 🌞🌎💎


These glistening Sunstone Points are a wonderful gift from Mother Nature, helping to bring a sense of warmth and vitality to the mind, body, and Spirit.  


Average Height: 6.75"

Average Weight: 1 pound 10 oz 

8 Sided Obelisk


You're welcome to pick a Sunstone that resonates with you! Sunstone obelisks are displayed from Left to Right in the group photo. 


         Weight        Dimensions
#1 - 1lb 7.8oz       6.5" x 2"
#2 - 1lb 9.3oz       6.5" x 2"
#3 - 1lb 11oz        7.25" x 2"
#4 - 1lb 11.3oz      7" x 2"
#5 - 1lb 12oz         6.5" x 2.25"
#6 - 1lb 12.3oz      6.5" x 1.25"
#7 - 2lb                  7.25" x 2.25" - sold out 


✨Healing Properties of Sunstone ✨


A Sunstone crystal has an uplifting quality that can bring passion, excitement, and creativity back into your life when you’ve lost touch with those feelings. Whether you feel like you’re living on auto-pilot or you feel overcome with darkness, Sunstone can shine a light on all the opportunities for happiness and joy that surround you.


The combination of pink, orange, and red within the stone make this a powerful crystal for the Root, Solar Plexus, as well as Heart Chakras. Whether you are working on confidence and self-esteem or you want to enjoy your life more, Sunstone holds wonderful potential. 


Sunstone crystal is known to help to clear away limitations and negative energies by replacing them with Light and Love. Embodying the power of the sun, Sunstone blasts away all unwanted energy.


This amazing mineral has been used traditionally in the past and present for clearing and re-energizing the auric field of the person and space. It has been used by the Canadian Indians in rituals of the medicine wheel, to show to the spirit guides the connection with the golden white healing light of our Galactic Central Sun. It is custom for Sunstone to be placed in the center of the medicine wheel, which has been reported to emit a golden glow once contact with the Spirit realm has been established. 


Chemical Formula: (Ca,Na)((Al,Si)2Si2O8)
Composition: tectosilicate feldspar mineral
Color: Colorless, yellow, orange, red, iridescence 


[Astrological Signs: Leo & Libra] 
[Associated Chakras: Root - Muladhara, Solar Plexus - Manipura, & Heart - Anahata]


Each Sunstone Crystal is carefully wrapped and shipped from Connecticut, U.S.A via USPS Priority Mail 


*FREE Shipping Included on orders 35+
*FREE Gift when you spend 20+


✨ We hope the resources shared here at OpaLight Market may help or inspire you in some way on your journey! Feel free to connect with us through Etsy or Email regarding any questions you may have!  Thank you for taking the time to visit OpaLight Market! ✨


Best of health and many Blessings,
Jillian & Jaime
>Instagram: @OpaLightMarket

Sunstone Obelisks

$77.77 Regular Price
$66.10Sale Price


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