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Shiva Eye Dream Catcher Earrings


Made of sustainably harvested Shiva shells and Sterling Silver 925


Shiva Eyes, also known as "Pacific Cat’s Eyes", are found in the sea beds of Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia. This beautiful uniquely swirling shell is actually the protective doorway to a Turban Snail’s shell, which detaches at the end of the snail’s natural life cycle. Serving as a protective covering to the soft body of the snail, the Shiva Eye is symbolically considered a doorway into the unconscious, an opening which reveals the full power of the Third Eye chakra.


The Shiva Eye is known to symbolize creation, destruction, spiritual wisdom, and transformation. Its spiral pattern represents eternity, understanding, and the interconnectedness of all Life. Placed on the Third Eye, or warn as jewelry, this shell is purported to help us connect with the universal mind, the Divine, and our highest selves.



This unique eco-inspired collection was designed by Canadian artist and jeweler Benoit Leblanc using 100% natural gemstones and

quality 925 Sterling Silver.


In ancient times, gemstone jewelry was worn for health, prosperity, and to protect against bad luck and illness. Even today, we hear the tales and adventures of people long ago who somehow found luck and fortune because of gemstone talismans.


In our experience, gemstones certainly have the ability to boost our confidence. And we believe that is where the real magic exists within a gemstone, in its ability to share the gift of self-empowerment.


All Crystals and gifts are carefully packaged and shipped using eco-friendly materials.

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* Free Surprise Gift with orders 20+

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Best of health and many Blessings,
Jillian & Jaime

>Instagram: @OpaLightMarket

Shiva Eye Dream Catcher Earrings

$24.44 Regular Price
$20.77Sale Price


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